ini yang terjadi bila diserang penyakit bosan. 10 Pictures, Images and Photos

Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
:: yes! errr.. i mean maybe :p

Where were you last night?
:: home.

What is today's date?
:: february 2nd, 2011

Who was the last person to call you baby/babe?
:: takde maknenye. hoihh

When you're at the grocery store do you use the self checkout?
:: sometimes. esp when u r having limited cash in ur wallet.

Anyone crushing on you?
:: jangan nak brangan. choii

What is your relationship status?
:: bujang lagi. heheh. but not available. kuota dah penuh. sekian.

Has anyone ever sang to you?
:: yes. sonok giler wa cakap sama lu. woot woot...

Has anyone ever given you roses?
:: yes. a lot of beautiful roses. and it was so wonderful.

If you were abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive?
:: haihh. taktau la.

Who do you text the most?
:: budak conget yang muncit, muncit dan muncit.

How do you make your money?
:: study until the books dont want to see ur face anymore, get a good result and apply for scholarship. haha. bole ka macam ni?

First person to text today?
:: kakakku ashiela. she texted me first.

What is your favorite color?
:: biru

What color are your eyes?
:: dark brown.

What is a compliment you receive often?
:: "intan ni lemah lembut la" "intan ni pandai la" which i dont really like. lemah lembut la sgt. menyampah mak!

How tall are you?
:: 152cm. tinggi kan?

Who was the last person to say they loved you and when?
:: encik boyfie. tgh hari td bila die dikaco oleh aku. ntah die ingat ke tak. heheh

Do you like your parents?

Do you secretly like someone?
:: i secretly like jay chou. kau ade? hahahaha

Who was the last person you said you loved on the phone?
:: encik boyfie yang muncit.

Where is the furthest place you've traveled?
:: tak jauh mana pun. dalam malaysia jugak.

Which do you prefer, to eat or sleep?
:: i prefer sleeping after eating. and eating after sleeping. wehuuu

Do you look more like your mom or your dad?
:: aku rasa ikut ayah kot.

How long does it take you to shower?
:: 5-20 minutes. or longer.

Are you flexible?
:: i think so. macam flexible curve. haha

Can you speak any other language than English?
:: yes. malay

What is the last letter of your middle name?
:: A

How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
:: cant remember. 6hrs maybe.

Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?
:: kalo duduk depan la.

Do you like funny people or serious people?
:: both.

What are you listening to?
:: love songs. mood jiwang.

What jewelry do you wear all the time?
:: my precious ring.

What do you have planned for tonight?
:: kaco encik boyfie. takpun tido jer.

Do you have a favorite item of clothing?
:: yes. ade satu blouse comey that i really like.

Last movie you saw in theaters?
:: faster.

Last thing you ate?
:: nasi.

What was last thing you drank?
:: air putih.

Are you happy right now?
:: yes. but a little bit bored.

If you could have one thing right now what would it be?
:: i want my encik boyfie. bole ka?

What were you doing at midnight last night?
:: i was sleeping, woke up bcoz i miss my encik conget, called him, tried to sleep back but i couldnt, update encik bloggy, makan 4 keping roti sebelum tido balik dan terlepas waktu menonton bola.

Are you left handed?
:: no. im right handed.

What was for dinner tonight?
:: taktau lagi.

When is your birthday?
:: somewhere in the middle of october.

Do you want to get married & have children one day?
:: nak nak nak! gatai. hahahaha
kalo suka, bole 'LIKE' :)

tak hensem pun anda. patut aku tak minat. 10 Pictures, Images and Photos

kali ni aku nak bubuh entry pasal bola sepak. ye, tepat sekali. BOLA. dalam bahasa inggeris sebut football. dalam bahasa arab sebut kuratul qadam. 

hari nih dok full la news feed kat fesbuk aku pasal fernando torres pindah dari liverpool ke chelsea. chehh, pindah jugak ka mamat nih. hari tu beria bebeno la liverpool reject offer dr chelsea tu kan. tup tup jadi jugak. watdehel?? pastu aku pun pulun la pi bukak website sbb nak baca pasal die kan. sejak bila jd website feveret untuk dilawati, haaa tu yang kita taktau tuh. nahh, bukak ja website tu, kat link yg ade berita die, cool je die pegang jersey kaler biru cap chelsea tu kan. bajet hensem la konon.

then aku pun dengan semangat baca berita tu. ohooo. ekceli kan, hari tu chelsea offer liverpool £30m kalo aku tak salah kukulet la. tp kena reject. tp last last die pindah gak bile dapat offer £50m. mak oiiiii. kalo aku dapat duit banyak tu, 7 keturunan pun tak abis tau. huhu. agaknye sbb tu kot die mau sangat pindah dr liverpool. memang dasar mata duitan. huh. ehh jap jap. then aku baca lagi. rupa rupanye mmg torres dah bagi permintaan secara bertulis (ala ala surat cinta) cakap yg die mau pi chelsea. haihh

disebabkan torres yang tak hensem tu, hari ni ramai org yg kuciwa. yang marah. tak ketinggalan dengan incik mumu yang turut sama sekali bengang dengan perpindahan tersebut. ya loh, die mmg suka giler ngan torres tu. siap dulu cakap nama ahmad torres. pastu bile aku cakap torres tak hensem, die bagi pandangan maut kat aku macam singa lapo sebulan tak dapat makan. tu blom aku cakap torres men tak best. mau kang die flying kick aku dari kampung morten elok je sampai rumah sewa aku. pehh, korang leh bayang tak betapa die minat ngan torres tu? last last die pindah gi chelsea plak, club yg mmg la sangat sangat incik mumu ni tak suka. mmg konfem la bengang kan.

aku plak sbg budak yang baru blajar nak minat bola sbnrnye kuciwa skit la bile torres pindah. bukan sbb aku minat die eh. no way man. die tak sehensem messi okey. aku kuciwa sbb aku tgk liverpool skrg dah smakin baik rentak diorg. dulu awal season asyik kalah je. duduk pun kat tangga bawah bawah je dalam ranking epl tu. tp skrg diorg dah maju oo.. sbb dah main dengan baik, sampai bole naik ranking no. 7. kagum aku dengan smangat diorg. lagi lagi mmg torres ni bole kata star jugak la kat team tu. bukan jugak, tapi mmg star pun. so aku rasa bile die dah pindah pi chelsea, agak frustrating la kan. aku cakap macam pro je kan? hahahaha.. boooo sama aku. poyo bajet terer pasal sukan! 

lepas nih abg taknak minat torres lagi. dalam hati aku cakap bagus sbb die tak hensem! haha. aku ajak die minat messi. die cakap tu lagi die tak suka. wuwu why why. die hensem tau. tapi of course tak sehensem abg okey. hee. tapi takpe. walopun torres dah tak men lg utk liverpool, aku nak ajak abg minat jugak liverpool. bukan sbb yusry fan setia club tu, tapi sbb nak kasi sapot la, supaya diorg bole buktikan yg diorg pun bole hidup walopun torres dah blah. bagi torres nangis skit, baru die tau yg liverpool tu best lagi dr chelsea. kau watchout haa torres! kau ingat kau hensem? aku mesti tentang kau habis habisan. kite lawan tgk sape lg hebat. jom lawan men guli!!

ingat rambut tu style sangat la?
kalo suka, bole 'LIKE' :)