fairy tales. 10 Pictures, Images and Photos

Imperfect. That’s me.

I am thousand miles away to be quote pretty as you are.
I have scars and pimples on my face.
I put tones of makeup to look just okay.
I don’t have the perfect height and weight as supermodels.
I can’t take beautiful pictures of me because I am no photogenic.
I am an outdated person whenever talking about fashion.
People mock me for the thick spectacles that I wear.
I sing badly.
Neither driving nor riding a motorcycle, that’s me.
At home, I won’t wake up until the clock shows 12 pm.
I don’t earn my own money (yet).
I always put so much trouble towards my parents.
I can’t cook tasty food.
I have an obsession of crying.
I eat a lot at the middle of the night.

Despite my imperfection,
I try my very best to be perfect.
And that makes me perfect in my imperfection.

p/s: would you still love me for all my weaknesses?

kalo suka, bole 'LIKE' :)

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