new segment. 10 Pictures, Images and Photos

Feeling like staying up tonight. So, here it is. A new post to publish, as a result of boredom in the middle of the night.

Anyhow, this is a new segment for me. Squeezing my brain real hard to answer the statement-form-question. You can also try it!

Suggest what u will say if a person was to give this statement: “Are you interested to be a talent for my photo shoot?"

1. (Forehead started to wrinkle a little bit, eyebrows started to lift upward) Biar betul?
2.  Tolong cubit tangan aku ni kuat kuat. Aku mimpi ke nih?
3. (Whispering) Betul ke kau tak nampak jerawat jerawat kat muka aku ni?
4. Will I be the next Tyra Banks, and produce my own reality show?
5. Nahhhhh, stop being sarcastic on me.
6. Photo shoots untuk pakaian kanak kanak ke?
7. What if.. kau jadi talent, aku jadi photographer?

It’s a trend nowadays. Passion for DSLR cameras, models, photo shoots, editing, uploading into facebook, tagging, and waiting for people to comment. And I’m totally not against it but giving full support to this trend, surely as long as it benefits us.

Cute isn't it?

However, I seriously don’t think that I am talented and photogenic enough to be a pose-like-a-model talent, nor a good photographer. I’m best with my compact camera, having a natural, unplanned photo shoots whenever and wherever I want, with the most whole-hearted smile faces.

Yeah right. Wait till I get my own superb DSLR camera. Guess I’ll create a new trend of sleeping with DSLR camera. Hahaha! :p

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