just a boring survey done while u were boring

1. Last person you hug?
:: my syg

2. Last car ride?
:: taxi is also a car isn't it? :p

3. Last time you cried?
:: syhhh..let it be a secret

4. Last movie you watched?
:: toy story 3..nice movie

5. Last food you ate?
:: roti, and i'm still hungry :(

6. Last item you bought?
:: two way foundation, for my makeup tutorials

7. Last shirt you wore?
:: a green tshirt that wrote
"kursus bakal calon mpp uitm zon utara"~lol

8. Last phone call?
:: *dear*

9. Last text message?
:: *dear*

10. Last kissed?
:: 06062010

11. Last thing you touched?
:: my lappy's keyboard

12. Last trip to the mall?
:: last saturday

13. Last time you were exciting for something?
:: 06062010, it was my date

14. Last person you saw?
:: mama, she was talking to me just now

15. Last thing you drink?
:: it's milk..will become my fav soon

16. Last person that broke your heart?
:: i don't actually know who the person was,
maybe it's because no one ever broke my heart :)

17. Last time you were happy?
:: there's no such thing as last time, because i'm happy
to enjoy every single moment in my life

18. Last plane ride?
:: june 2009

19. Last dream?
:: i dream of him, but it was a sad dream i guess :(

20. Last word?
:: ilysm

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